An Exciting Adventure Continues...
What if many of the characters from various television shows and movies were in the Pokémon World? What kinds of adventures would unfold? How would all of these characters interact within the same universe? Where would you fit in? What is the true nature of Pokémon evolution? And just where does Azurill fit into all of this? After rescuing the friendly Professor Palm a couple years after your older cousins, it is time to find out! Set out on an adventure that continues the story started in Pokémon Polka Aqua, as you solve mysteries, save the world, try living up to the legacy of an cousins, and train up your Pokémon!

Warning: Major Spoilers Ahead!
Features (V.1.3)
* New Story
* Continuation from the Plot of the Previous Games
* TV Show and Movie Characters Drive the Plot
* Post-Game Plot
* New Locations Throughout Map
* New Starting Location
* A Variety of Pokémon from Every Generation
* Physical/Special Split
* Fairy Type Included
* Option to challenge Gym Leaders in Single or Double Battle Format
(The Either Option Chooses One of the Two Randomly).
* 12 Gyms to Face During the Main Game
* Second Half of the Gyms Feature Two Types Simultaneously
* Gym Leaders can be Re-Battled Post-Game as Often as You Want
* Elite Four Member Specialize in Strategies Rather Than Types
* Custom Shiny Palettes for a Variety of Pokémon
* Increased Shiny Odds
* Increased Experience Yield from Defeated Pokémon
* A Unique Set of Starter Pokémon
* The Reverse Stone - an Item Used to Un-Evolve Pokémon
* Key Items That can be Used in Place of Cut, Rock Smash, Strength, Surf, Dive, and Waterfall
* A new mechanic that allows for easy transportation around the map without the HM for Fly
* Form Changes for Many Pokémon, including some Alolan, Galarian, and Hisuian Forms
* Certain Pokémon Given New/Modified Secondary Types
* New Movesets for Most Pokémon
* Buffs to the Base Stats of Most Pokémon
* Buffs to the Base Power of Most Moves
* Changes to Certain TMs to Make Them More Useful
* Changes Certain Evolution Methods for Pokémon
* Addition of Ice Stone, Shiny Stone, Dusk Stone, and Dawn Stone
* Addition of Certain Items for Changing the Forms of Pokémon
* Reusable TMs
* Updated Repel System - Asks if You Want to Use Another Repel, and Which Type, When One Expires
* New Very Useful Held Items
* Cheaper Items at Marts
* Wider Selection of Items Available at Marts
* A Post-Game Gym with a Twist
** There is also a Lite Version of the game available without most changes to base stats and base power
Guide Through Story
* Denotes a Requirement
** Denotes an Option
* Start your adventure by moving to San Francisco.
* Go to the Art Museum to meet up with your father, the new museum's new curator, and be introduced to Prof. Palm.
* Rescue Prof. Palm from a Buneary in the Art Museum.
* Receive the Pokémon you used to rescue Prof. Palm and the Pokédex.
* Go meet your new next-door neighbor, Stella, who will become your rival.
* Head toward Santa Barbara.
* Enter the Santa Barbara Police Department and help solve a murder.
* Go back to the Safari Zone Gate on Route 16 (prepared with Poké Balls).
* Go back to the Santa Barbara Police Department for a reward.
* Head to the new Battle Café in Tree Hill.
** Receive the Old Rod from the Fisherman on Route 13.
** Get a Bicycle from Keith at his Auto Shop in Tree Hill.
* Speak to Prof. Palm, who will challenge you to a battle.
* Head to Fairview and find the Fairview Gym.
* After receiving a gift from Prof. Palm, challenge the gym.
* Head toward Seattle, but on the way, battle Stella, who will ask to be your rival.
* Go to Seattle and find the Seattle Gym.
* After receiving another gift from Prof. Palm, challenge the gym.
* Head through the New View Tunnel toward New York City.
* Meet Prof. Aspen in front of Luthor Corp.
* Head to the top of Luthor Corp, where there is a vigilante currently breaking in (prepared with Poke Balls).
* Tess Mercer will thank you and give you the Hammer.
* Challenge the New York City Gym.
* Head through Meteor Falls toward Roswell.
* Challenge the Roswell Gym.
* Head back toward Tree Hill.
* Battle the members of the Scott Family at their house just above Tree Hill.
* Battle Brooke in Clothes Over Bros in Tree Hill, who will give you the Go-Goggles.
** You can now visit the desert on Route 9.
* Battle Stella on Route 7 while heading south toward Miami.
* Battle all the trainers at the Seashore House on Route 8 to receive the Axe.
** Trade a Lum Berry, purchasable at the Miami Market, with the woman in the Tree Hill Pokémon Center for the Coin Case.
** Receive the Good Rod from the Fisherman on Route 8.
* Head toward Riverdale.
** You can get the HM for Cut inside Pop's Chock'lit Shoppe.
* Head to Prof. Beech's Lab in Newtown.
* Meet Prof. Beech and have another battle with Prof. Palm, who will give you the Rotom Dex.
* Go to River City and challenge the River City Gym.
** Speak to your mother back in San Francisco to receive an Amulet Coin.
* Go to Stars Hollow and challenge the new Stars Hollow Gym inside the Dragonfly Inn.
** You can now speak to the people wearing blue suits and blue hats to transport you to cities that you have visited.
** Receive PokéBlock Case from girl in San Francisco Contest Hall directly in front of reception desk.
** Catch Pokémon in the Safari Zone on Route 16.
* Retrieve the Odd Artifact from your father in the Art Museum.
* Head toward Los Angeles.
** Receive the Super Rod from the Fisherman in Los Angeles.
* Speak to Prof. Palm on the bridge the the left of Los Angeles, who gives you the Palm Scope when making an invisible Kecleon become visible.
* Speak to Prof. Palm in Los Angeles to learn about his invention of the Reverse Stone.
* Deliver the Odd Artifact to Angel inside the Hyperion Hotel.
* Battle Stella in front of the Woodsboro Gym.
* Challenge the Woodsboro Gym.
* Help Angel investigate the Hotel Cortez (prepared with Poke Balls).
* Challenge the Los Angeles Gym.
* Head through Eastwick and meet Prof. Aspen once again.
* Head to Boston.
* Upon arriving at the Boston Gym, you are notified that a trainer that you battled on Route 14 is suing you.
* Cage & Fish represent you and set up a settlement agreement requiring you to just rematch the trainer.
* Challenge the Boston Gym.
* Head through Mystic Falls toward the Weather Institute.
* Battle Stella again on Route 14.
* Help Chuck rescue the Weather Institute from Ted Roark (prepared with Poke Balls).
* Head through Route 14 to Philadelphia.
* Battle Prof. Palm in Philadelphia. Afterward, he will give you the Bulldozer.
** Prof. Palm's house is in Philadelphia and he has an assistant right in front of City Hall there who sells Reverse Stones.
** You can visit Prof. Palm's Lab on the top floor of his house in Philadelphia.
* Challenge the Philadelphia Dojo.
* Travel through the maze of Route 19 (not around it) to gain access to Sunnydale.
* Battle Stella once again on Route 19 and receive the some Heart Scales from her.
** You can pick up the HM for Strength on the ground in Sunnydale.
* Head to the front of Sunnydale High School to help Buffy stop Glorificus.
* Challenge the Sunnydale Gym.
* As Faith suggests, find Anya, in the house directly below the Sunnydale Poke Mart.
* Speak to Anya, help her with her bunny problem, and receive the HM for Surf from her.
* Use Surf to access the house to the bottom-right of Sunnydale. In that house, use Floo Powder in order to go to Hogwarts.
​* Challenge the Hogwarts Gym.
* Go back to Sunnydale and head through Routes 23, 25, and 26 to the Island.
* Enter the Abandoned Ship, where you will be approached and trapped on the ship without your gym badges.
* Find all of your gym badges and the Scuba Gear so you can exit the ship.
* On the way out of the ship, you will be attacked by a Beartic.
* Go to Washington D.C., where you will meet Prof. Aspen once again.
* Head to the White House, where Agent Coulson and the President will request your help.
* Go to Portland and head toward the portal to the right of the city.
* Battle Stella again, who tries to stop you from taking the portal to Central City.
* Take the portal on the right side of the city to S.T.A.R. Labs in Central City (in a parallel universe).
* Speak to Barry, Cisco, and Caitlin in S.T.A.R. Labs.
* Head toward Star City and be cursed to wake up in your house in Storybrooke.
* Find Henry in Regina's house.
* Follow Henry to Snow White's house.
* Follow Henry and Emma to Mr. Gold's shop.
* Challenge the Evil Queen in Regina's house (prepared with Poke Balls).
* Battle Prof. Palm in front of the Storybrooke Gym, where he will give you a Figurine and the Raft.
* Challenge the Storybrooke Gym.
* Follow Regina to the Enchanted Forest, where Lyla/Harbinger takes you to National City.
** You can get the HM for Dive on the ground in the Enchanted Forest.
* Speak to Agent Coulson and Agent May to be briefed about the Anti-Matter Crisis.
* Defeat all of the shadow demons (Darkrai) in National City.
* Escape to Central City right before the universe you are in is eaten by anti-matter.
* Defeat Lex Luthor, from Supergirl's Earth, who the Monitor brought back.
* As the last universe is about to be eaten by anti-matter, escape with the paragons to the Vanishing Point.
* Head to the Anti-Matter Universe at the Dawn of Time to stop the Anti-Monitor.
* Battle each of the shadow demons (Darkrai).
* Work with the other paragons to help Oliver stop the Anti-Monitor.
* After saving the Multiverse, find out from Agent Coulson in San Francisco that Hydra Agents were spotted in Azurill Isle Cave.
* Go to Azurill Isle Cave (located on Route 20 - above Sunnydale).
* Battle through Hydra Agents until you get to Stella - then battle her.
* After Stella gets away, Prof. Palm will give you the HM for Waterfall and the Cascade Kit.
* Head to Victory Island, located at the rightmost part of the map.
* Battle Prof. Palm once again.
* Travel through Victory Road, where you will find Stella.
* Help Stella by stopping confronting the Triad deep inside Victory Road.
* Stella will thank you and give you the Master Ball.
* Continue through Victory Road and battle Derek.
* There is an adorable Azurill that seems to have followed you from Azurill Isle Cave. It will challenge you.
* Battle the Pokémon League.
From Another World
* Receive the SS Ticket from your father and head take the Ferry.
* Speak to Agent Coulson, who will request you check out something in Roswell.
* Find and battle Lex Luthor in the Crashdown Café.
* Go back to National City in the other universe and speak to Lena Luthor at CatCo to get Supergirl's help.
* Go back to your universe and head to the Island Cave by Hawaii.
* Battle Lex's employees inside the cave and then battle Lex once again.
* Follow Lex to Meteor Falls and battle him one final time (prepared with Poke Balls).
The Contingency Plan
* Find your father in the Art Museum, who is being confronted by Prof. Maple.
* Battle Prof. Maple.
* Find Prof. Palm in his house in Philadelphia, where you meet Emmett and Evan.
* Go to the Oceanic Museum in Miami.
* Battle two Hydra Agents and Prof. Maple once again.
* Go to Route 7 and surf to Luthor Corp 33.1.
* Go to the back of Luthor Corp 33.1 and find Prof. Maple trying to use Mewtwo.
* Battle Prof. Maple once again (prepared with Poke Balls).
* Find Prof. Maple in the basement of the Halliwell Manor in San Francisco.
* Battle Prof. Maple, who is trying to restore the power of the Nexus, but you are too late, and the world is plunged into darkness.
* Find Celebi, which brings you back to the Halliwell Manor in San Francisco so you can try again to defeat Prof. Maple before he is finished preparing to restore the Nexus.
* After defeating Prof. Maple, he tries to restore the Nexus without finishing his preparations and ends up with amnesia.
* Since Prof. Maple, with amnesia, no longer wishes to destroy the world, Emmett and Evan take him to the house they are staying at in Portland.
The Professor and the Beasts
* Find and speak to Prof. Aspen in Miami.
* Find and Catch Suicune on Route 20 - then, speak to Prof. Aspen about Finding Raikou and Entei.
* Find Raikou on Route 5 (Raikou and Entei can be found in any order).
* Find Entei atop Mt. Inferno (Raikou and Entei can be found in any order).
* Speak to Prof. Aspen in the Miami Pokémon Center who will ask where she can find a Mew - after you tell her about the one in Philadelphia, she will request you meet her there.
* Speak to Prof. Aspen and the Mew in Prof. Palm's house in Philadelphia.
* Prof. Palm will show up and Prof. Aspen will give you the Ancient Wing.
** Prof. Palm and Prof. Aspen can each be battled in Prof. Palm's house.
** At this point, the story of the game will be completed. There are, however, other sidequests and plenty of Legendary/Mythical Pokémon to obtain.
** You can re-battle any of the Gym Leaders at their gyms.
** You can re-battle the Pokémon League.
** You can battle the former Gym Leaders and Elite Four members from Pokémon Polka Aqua and Pokémon Polka Aqua 2 in their respective homes.
** You can battle Emmett, Evan, and Prof. Maple in the center house in Portland.
** You can battle your rival again at her house in San Francisco.
** You can challenge Prof. Beech to a battle at Central Perk in New York City.
** You can challenge Prof. Palm, Derek, and the Dojo Master to rematches in the Philadelphia Dojo.
** There are a couple of surprise challenges at the Pokémon League entrance and in Newtown.
** You can challenge the new gym in Hawaii, which includes a twist at the end.